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Bible Live Quiz Show, Sundays 9-10:30 pm

Soapy Dollar

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WEEK 15         BIBLE LIVE QUIZ    Ps. 42—45 and Josh. 6:1—24:33

Ps. 42—45

1. In Ps. 42:1, what animal is used to illustrate the psalmist’s thirst for God?  Deer

2. Twice in Ps. 42, enemies mock the psalmist by asking what question?  42:3, 10, “Where is this God or yours?”

3. Psalms 42-49, written by the “sons of Korah”.  Who was Korah?  Levite, rebelled against Moses after the failed invasion of Canaan (Num. 16).  He and followers (Dathan, Abiriam, and 250 Levites) swallowed by earth, but not Korah’s family.  They were musicians and worship leaders for centuries.

4. What is the “holy mountain” that Ps. 43:3 speaks of?  Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, where temple was built

5. Ps. 44 begins by recalling how God gave what to the Israelites?  44:2, the Promised Land

Josh. 6:1—24:33

1. What was the battle plan for conquering Jericho?  6:3ff, seven priests blowing ram horns ahead of the Ark for six days (people silent); seventh day, seven times, then the people shouted, and the walls came down—attack!

2. What curse was issued for anyone who tried to rebuild Jericho?  6:26, oldest and youngest sons will die in effort

3. After the victory of Jericho, why was Israel defeated by the small town of Ai?  7:1, Achan’s sin of theft

4. What did the Israelites do from the foot of the two mountains Gerizim and Ebal, that Moses had commanded them to do before his death?  8:33, two groups reading the Law and remembering the blessings and curses

5. How did the people of Gibeon deceive the Israelites into signing a peace treaty with them?  9:3-6, pretended to have traveled from a far off land to make peace.

6. What mistake did the Israelites make in evaluating the Gibeonites request for a peace treaty?  9:14, they examined their bread, but they did not consult the Lord

7. What did Israel do to the Gibeonites?  9:26-27, did not kill them, but made them wood-choppers and water-carriers (slaves)

8. In Josh. 10, when the southern kings united to fight Israel at Gibeon, what weather event killed most of the enemy?  10:11, a hailstorm

9. In response to Joshua’s public prayer, what other miracle did God do during the battle with the southern Amorite kings?  10:12-13, sun and moon stood still till victory was complete (slow rotation,

10. Why did Manasseh divide into two “Half-tribes”?  Some opted to take their inheritance on the east side of the Jordan (Num. 32:1-6, for the great pasturelands), while others crossed into Canaan and took their inheritance there.

11. During the conquest of Canaan, what other Israelite besides Joshua had come out of Egypt with Moses.  14:6, Caleb (at 40 one of the twelve spies, now 45 years later)

12. What race of giants lived in the land that Caleb requested?  14:12, the Anakites

13. At age 85, Caleb requested and was given the land Moses had promised him when he was 40, a mountainous land called what?  14:13-15, Hebron (before called Kiriath-Arba)

14. As a wedding gift, my father, Caleb, gave me additional land with water wells from his inheritance.  Who am I?  15:18-19, Acsah

15. By defeating the Canaanites in Debir (formerly Kiriath-sepher), I won the right to marry Caleb’s daughter.  Who am I?  15:17, Othniel (He was Caleb’s nephew and also the first of the twelve judges in the book of Judges)

16. From the tribe of Manasseh, our names are Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah, the first five Hebrew women to inherit land.  Who was our father?  17:3-4, Zelophehad

17. After Reuben, Gad, Manasseh, Judah, and Ephraim had received their land, how did Joshua determine which land the other seven tribes would inherit?  (18:10, casting sacred lots)

18. What was a City of Refuge?  20:1-7, A place of safety for anyone who accidentally killed another person.  After a fair trial and being found not guilty, they were protected from avengers.

19. Once safe in a City of Refuge, how long did a person have to live there before being able to go back to his home in safety?  20:6, until the death of the High Priest in office at the time of the accident

20. Name one of the six Cities of Refuge.  20:7, Kedesh, Golan, Ramoth, Shechem, Bezer, Jerusalem

21. Instead of receiving an inheritance of territory, how many cities did the Levites receive?  21:41, 48 cities and surrounding pasturelands (included six Cities of Refuge)

22. Why did the tribes in Canaan almost go to war with the tribes east of the Jordan?  22:11-12, Because Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh had built a memorial altar which the tribes in Canaan mistakenly thought was to offer worship and sacrifice to false gods

23. Before he died, Joshua reminded Israel of their “covenant”, a binding contract, with God.  God’s part was to give them victory over the Canaanites.  What was Israel’s part?  (23:6)  Obey law of Moses, drive out pagan nations (no treaties, destroy altars), and don’t intermarry with pagans (unbelievers).

24. Whose remains were finally buried in the Promised Land, as he had requested almost 400 years earlier?  Josh 24:32, the bones of Joseph (see Gen. 50:24-25 and Exod. 13:19)

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